Arielle's Big Space!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Hey People.

I'm almost done here.. sorry, bout the no updates...i've just been absolutely wiped out the past two weeks and no creative juices flowing..i spent last week also in provencal..been promoted unofficially by the managers to asst. manager!!!! boy, i'm going nuts..last week was feria of nimes...and so we served close to 700 covers from thursday to sunday..friday night 130 and sunday after noon 120..busiest shifts... and now i'm working again at provencal with mathias from argentina for breakfast and midi.. i start at 6 a.m and finish at around 4 pm .. its tiring work.but i have good company - Audrey from vatel first year and Loic from vatel 2nd or 3 rd year i believe.. we had cecil who's just finished her degree here at vatel working as asst. mgr last two was fun:-)

i miss the reception though..anywayz..ruth's coming to pick me up friday evening.. my bags are almost packed.. i missing this place already though i really want to get back..
Dad!!!! first demand..the day i get back i want to go for a massage..if not.. i'll have a totally disfunctional body!!!!!! my feet are hard, numb and aching like crazy!!!!! my arms..have built muscle i like to think..i hope i abs i've lost em..ehhehee.. ;-)

And meera and anuchechi better have some yummy fish curry and pulao ready for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ehheheee...chach..go get some decent ice-cream for me please!!! and neema, bring my princess to me please!!! hehehe



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