Arielle's Big Space!

Monday, August 07, 2006

Salut Encore!!!

Je suis Desolee!!!! (I'm sorry!!!) the library is closed on saturday and sunday since its vacations for the college here only the interns from the different vatels and the indians are here... well, what have i been upto???? Work work i was not able to go for the actually i thot it was an offday but no!! no!! no!! they're making us slog it out!! i've a shift again this weekend.

hey, i forgot to add something when i did my first blog.. i went for a walk with asad, who's from ramaiah ...and we went exploring. we went on top of a hill and went through thorny bushes of guess what?????......................blackberries!!!! awesome...isn't it...mike i'm getting pine cones for you:-) the first day my room was smelling fully of it:-)

Le Provencal the restaurant where i'm working is awesome..i've had only two chef de rangs to work with Willie and Mounir..they're both awesome..we always get the busiest areas!!!
and Mounir and I will always have the last customers to leave as well!!!! ehhehe..that's the only thing that delays the end of our shift...

There are some really nice guys and girls from Senegal also here..:-) they go to the Vatel in Tunisia.. Me and my groupmate, Omerah sometimes spend some time at night talking to them..i'm also keep a written diary about what type of food i eat.. usually the food is rather lousy..they cheeses taste awful and so far no WINE!!!!

Friday night we had the busiest shift we served almost a 100 people.. we were exhausted by the end of it!!!! Saturday too was busy!!! There are so many lil cute kids who come to the restaurant with their parents..:-) and the guests are rather polite and nice!!! yesterday i did wine service!!!

Sorry Mr. Jay but i spilt it on the slip cloth twice :-( but i'm getting the hang of it..the guests showed a lot more confidence in me and gave me some more tips on how to do it better.. hehhee.
and you know what Mr. Jay.. pilferage is more out here..hehehee..:-) NO!!! I'M A GOOD GIRL!!! I ca't even think of eating while working.. i always make sure i have enough dinner before my shift..:-)

We work with a coupla students from VAtel RUssia too!! Gregory, Anna and Polina... Gregory was Bar man yesterday..and boy they drink so much booze in the bar!!! hehhee.e.
Yesterday Asad and Me were having an argument in the Bar about which of our colleges is better ..ehhehee..
Oh I broke a plate on friday night front of a guest..boy it was embarassing.. so after that i only clear as much as i feel confident of clearing and most of it is seafood..yuck yuck..there's a sea food buffet we gotta clear plates with mounds of shells of oysters and scallops and shrimps head!!! yuck yuck!!!
it smells so bad...esp. friday night cuz their main attraction is the seafood buffet!!!
i opened wine bottle yesterday i got so nervous cuz the cork wasn't coming out then willie had to help me:-0

hmm...what and omerah spend quite a lotta time after our shift in Amine (from Tunisia) and Vyasan's(mal guy) Room cuz she gets so damn hungry and wants to cook in the middle of the night.. most days we end up skipping breakfast cuz we can't get up!!! Lunch was good today.. yesteray wasnt that bad either..

we've had hare, turkey, chicken, lamb, beef, lots of fish!! then there's lotsa fruits if we don't like the food ..we just eat fruit..and the dessert ofcourse..hehehee..

Anywayz..that's all for now i guess.. i'll try to take some pictures today and try to upload them from Amine's laptop cuz this comp doesn't support my camera :-(

Miss you all


  • At 6:06 AM, Blogger elf_asura said…

    HI kiddo - nice to read your blog and sorry you could not go for the meeting but then if you have to work you have to work - what about the finland trip? is it on? and hope to see those pics soon - take good care of the camera and hope you are keeping a good tight fist on the money - are any of those hundreds of customers giving you tips? also be careful with the partying and the drinking folks, don't take risks with them by being alone with them okay? Some 40 youth are coming from all over India for the youth conference beginning Aug 12-14 and we will be praying for your protection and blessing - God bless you much -take care dada


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