Arielle's Big Space!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

My first day at work!!!!!

I tell you...LE PROVENCAL is the best restaurant to work if i have worked in plenty of others..only the basic and advanced training restaurant in christ college... IT IS AWESOME!!!!!! i love it..and the manager i'm under is simply the best! The restaurant is run by the students themselves except for the manager and the chef..they are part ofthe permanent staff :-)

Yesterday i worked with mostly Tunisian guys..there aren't any girls who have taken up service..the ambiance among the staff and the restaurant was quite informalwhich made the work easier...we're only working abou 6 hr shift unlike the break shifts we were supposed to work...:-)

The manager's name is Jean-Claude for our evening shift.. we'll be working two weeks in service..but one week at a time. He was even teasing and playing around with the other specialization students..the tunisian guys during the service :-) but every thing is very well organized. THey're all quite impressed that i can speak french and try to speak as much french to me as possible. the service jargon is getting embedded in my head ..yipee!!! Chef Mathieu is the head chef for now..since i think the exec chef has gone on holiday..cuz college is off for the summer now..

they have both an a la carte and buffet happening at the same time.. and are given different combinatiions. =)
oooh best part was the tunisian guys working at the bar - Waleed and Slim ...broke so many plates and glasses yesterday..ehehheehe.e.there was glass and ceramic everywhere in the back area :-)..hehee

I was working under chef de rang Wilfred ...along with Majid and i dunno the other guys name.. i hope to be able to take pictures at the end of the week. The afternoon service is done inside the hotel and the evening service out on the terrace..:-)

I started drizzling yesterday too...but thank fully they've put up canopies with lighting...
and they have a small pond lkinda thing..which is rather elegantly built... hmm...that's all i can tell you for now..oh yeah, waleed taught me how to make coffee with the coffee machine=)

Gotta go now..and get some sleep and wash my clothes.. ...missing you all


  • At 1:20 AM, Blogger elf_asura said…

    i just love your blog ...and i just love ya ... dada

  • At 11:51 PM, Blogger elf_asura said…

    Hey kiddo - was thinking keep the blog going daily will be an excellent documentation for you for future reference too ... so now try to begin organising your blog in say four sections on each day:
    1. your personal feelings and expression of how you do what you do
    2. record something you learnt that makes you a professional - a recipe, a technique, a "secret"
    3. photographs that illustrate what you are talking about
    4. other adventures
    just thought of this for you.
    love ya


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