Arielle's Big Space!

Friday, August 04, 2006

Coucou Mes Amis!!!!

Je vais tres bien!!!! and i'm having more fun each day here....:-) "I'M LOVIN IT!!"
hmm....i'm making lots of new friends here:-) Mostly Tunisians...they're simply amazing..hehhee
they never sleeeep!!! i'm enjoying service a lot..interacting with the customers!=) i still have much to learn and everyday is a great experience at le Provencal :-)

Yet again yesteray i was working with the Tunisians and now i'm learning to pronounce their names better :-) We finished work rather early yesterday unlike my first day when we finished at half past midnight.hehehe.. hmmm...related to my work
*I'm learning to clear a lotta heavy plates:-)
*practising my beverage services a lot
*changing the cover after every course:-)
*helping the chef de rang take B.O.Ts(Beverage Order Tickets) - The KOTs are rather confusing!
* Best of all M. Jean Claude makes sure that now we know the menu too. :-) He's really happy with our work.. fast, quick and neat:-)
* Working together with the chef de rang and i'm learning to help out a lot more..i can understand K.O.Ts better. Here the K.o.Ts are divided into subdivisions. It has different chits on the same page:
#Aperitifs/Water (perrier, vittel, san pellegrino)
#Main course (cuz the starters / hors d'oeuvres and dessert are buffet)
#other beverages / wines - so far i've seen champagne being served and also a rose sparkling wine i'm yet to find out what it is. But another popular wine ordered by the bottle is "Gallicieau Rose Vin"
#Dessert - it is just marked on the KOT.

Hey, i broke a quarter plate yesterday..ehhehee.. but my chef de rang was so cool bout it :-) team mates yesterday were Omerah and Asad who are part of my group...other than them there was an intern from Russia named Gregory and the rest were the tunisians..ehhehe..
Waleed(a.k.a. Jappa), Huseyama, Mounir(my chef de rang), Majjid and one more tunisian who's name i haven't figured out yet..hehehe..they have really weird names :-)

As i was saying these TUnisians NEVER sleep!!!! One of them, Rami had his birthday last night so they were having a party..and it went on all the way till dawn and all the guys who i work with in service were also there.. Sleem,Mounir, Waleed, Maroune, Huseyama,....etc. and then the resident indian guy here..Kaishey...Boy they drink a lot and smoke a lot...but they don't give a hoot about what the other person does at the party..hehehe:-)..
SInce there is internet in all the rooms they hook up their laptops to it and then listen or watch videos from yahoo music..very cool stuff :-)

I also met some of the people from the Ivory coast! they cool too but not as much as the Tunisians...:-) I been sleeping at 2 and 3 in the morning most days cuz i can listen to the music if i sit out on the parapet or go hang out with them. Everybody here is pretty impressed thati speak so much french.. but sometimes i get stuck during service with words so i have to talk to the chef de rang in english!
Anywayz...thats' the update for today.. today is i guess another Tunisian party underway i guess..will just have to wait and see till after work :-)...

Take care everybody..


  • At 9:21 PM, Blogger elf_asura said…

    Hi Kiddo -
    So no blog on Saturday and Sunday? :-( Means I dont know what you have been upto!!! Could you make it to the meeting? We had a very powerful meeting here and prayed for you that you would keep the Lord in focus in the midst of all the excitement. Also, what is the scope of going to Johanna's wedding, kiddo? You should find out about it because the earlier you book tickets, the cheaper it might be. And also look ahead to when you can go to Nancy! Last night, Khustav and Palash landed up and I made dinner for them - basmati rice and veggies and those yummy Goan sausages! But you must be enjoying great food there too. Love ya and email me if you dont keep the blog running! Hugs Dada


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