Arielle's Big Space!

Monday, August 14, 2006

Hey Everybody!!!!

Yeah yeah i knw: long time ... sorry can't be helped because amine's comp let me down so my last update got messed up and i can't even remember what i put up that day.. i had put up lots of stuff:: anyway here's the latest: you'll have to bear with the colons in between and the spelling mistakes cuz i have very little time on willy's comp... and i've gotta finish uploading the pics today!!!! it's on ringo: all on my ringo list check it out: i'll put up the link at the end of this hoping it works::
we went to the beach Saintes Marie De la Mer on sunday afternoon it was fun except on our way back i had an embarrassing fall::hehee typically me.. we got to see white horses; and vineyards and i think peach orchards
i'm just putting up the rest of the pics now!!! we had class again today..finished about Bordeaux and Champagne on friday we had finished about Burgundy and Beaujolais::: oh yes; last update was about the wine and cheese tasting session we're going to have after our test

it's back to work for us next week: tomorrow is a holiday here.. :D ... hmmm what else.. seems like the self food is getting better.. heehehee.. the tunisians are leaving the week after:.. yeah and i'be been dancing at every party :D but i think my right leg has had enuf after two alternate nights: so i being a good girl and resting a lot:D
my arm's acting up again but it's ok i came prepared for it ... hehehhee

ok.. that's it for now.. update me plz:: it's too quite out here::


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