Arielle's Big Space!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Hey everybody!!!

So yet again i skipped a day..not because i didn't have time.but i forgot..i had my last work day on tuesday at the hoooooooo....we had lotsa fun! and i took lotsa fotos..i'm in the process of uploading them onto my ringo and afterwards i'll put em here ok.. i just hope willie hasn't deleted them off his laptop... last night was our welcome party's not only us indians..not much of a welcome party for us because we've been here ten days already..but the rest of them came only yesterday.. there are 12 from South America i.e VATEL Buenos Aires, two from Krgystan...and then the 6 from VATEL Moscow..
We had a blast.. it wasn't much of a drinking party...all the south americans were and the indians were on the floor dancing till 3 am...then us indians decided head to bed cuz we have class this morning... right now.. Nargisa and Aieda from Krygystan are sitting in the same room as me and playing the piano....its beautifull!!!

VATEL is coming to life now.. the old students are returning.. there Ricardo the student council president..he's the one who organises the parties..and most of the parties are in the Cafteteria or the SELF as everybody calls it... breakfast is miserable as always.. but the food is getting better round here..hehehe

we had something like a chicken risotto thing yesterday..who knows what it is we get round here..hehehe.. oh you know what the day before we got goose liver for lunch a.ka. foiegras! :-)
it tasted like regular chicken... next friday we're off to some city to spend on the beaches:-D its part of our visit to the region:-)

Alors,!!! there's a major queue here for the i'm gonna cut it short.. will put up the pics asap... ciao ciao...



  • At 2:07 AM, Blogger elf_asura said…

    i just love your blog my dearest kiddo and kids land up here on saturday morning - God bless you.. love dada

  • At 2:55 AM, Blogger elf_asura said…

    heyyy kiddo it was so good to hear your voice last evening - i love ya God bless you -love dada


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