Arielle's Big Space!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

what's up everybody??

well, guess what... i'm having an awesome time here at VATEL ...working away..hehehe.. i'm a self proclaimed workaholic..hehehe..
yesterday and today i was made chef de head waiter..voila!!! and they said the indians were not gonna be made so!!!! why do they underestimate?? who knows and who cares???!!!! :D
i'm having a blast working with M. Lasky and M. Jean-Claude and M. Patrice!!!
well, thats whats up...we finished our shift at 11.30 last nite!! voila!!!
a miracle!!!hehheee

ciao bye bye


  • At 5:42 AM, Blogger Marshwiggle23 said…

    dear arielle congrats but wot happened no more entries waiting to hear the misadventures of the head waiter :)

  • At 11:14 PM, Blogger elf_asura said…

    hey kiddo update your blog - you got lots of admirers of the way you're writing ..


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