Arielle's Big Space!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

what's up y'all??

heehehhe.. got bored of saying hey everybody!! hehhee.. well, here i am again on amine's laptop..blogging away and chatting with maria byler:-) i start work again at the restaurant provencal on monday!!!!! oh boy!!! gonna be working break shifts now.. got a nice splitting headache right now actually..but can't go to sleep cuz all my group mates are so typically indian ....ils font beaucoup de bruit!!! i.e. they're making too much noise.. so i'm up here..ehhehee..
its nice actually, cuz i can come and work on the laptop while he gets ready for his midnight walk with some friends...hehehe.. after work that is..

hmm...what else...oh today we had our final test!!! it was sooo was on wines and a french exam!!! it was good.. and then best part wine and cheese tasting session..

had a Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon and a Muscat!!! St Jean D'OC chardonnay and cabernet sauvignon..they're young, white and red wines respectively. they're not of the highest quality though!!! they were Vin de Pays D'oc.
The Muscat was a sweet wine called Muscat de Lunel... today when i went by bus to city centre i saw a board directing to Lunel..hehehe..there are lotsa vineyards in this region.. Nimes is part of the Cote du Rhone.. Where we went on sunday, St. Marie de la Mer, is actually the delta of the Rhone, i.e distributaries Petit Rhone and Grand Rhone. and Camargue is what the region is called with lots of white horses..and apparently the others saw lots of flamingoes ..but i din't...but i did get a postcard with pictures of the flamingoes, horses and buffaloes!! hehehe..

I got so high today on the wine that i almost couldn't stand..even though i was eating the cheese and the bread in between !!! can you imagine that?? the chardonnay was nice ..but the cab sauv was awful and the muscat was just more than honey sweet!!!! We had three cheeses too.. the first one was Pelardin, a goat cheese of AOC standard from the region of Nimes, and then a Brie also of AOC std. and a blue cheese..boy i keep forgetting the name!! it was quite a difficult name to remember.. hehhee..
i liked, i think i'm getting the hang of this cheese stuff..hehehe..i'll bring back some!!! hehehhe..
hmm...what else then i spent the evening in city centre.. wandered around and had dinner there..something different from the usual self stuff..ok.amine says i've got 4 mins i'm off...ciao..



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