Arielle's Big Space!

Monday, August 21, 2006


ok lotsa catching up to do.. last friday we went to the city of Sete ... lovely important port city of South France. Me and Asad from Ramaiah, since we were told to explore the city on our own, we chose the least expensive mode of transport, it being our own two pairs of feet..ehhehee.. it was kinda like trekking.. we had 4 hrs to kill from the time we reached, as we decided to spend 15 euros to go on the sub sea explorer. The city of Sete is also the centre for the production of Oysters and scallops..and that was what the sub sea explorer was about!!! we thought that would be a nice experience. ... we started our trek along the streets of Sete.. we went along the beaches and up rather steep hills and then down them... while we were trekking along the road along the seaside we found a lovely quite spot.. and since we had walked for nearly half an hour we decided to take a break there. We met a Grand mother named Sophie with her grandson Immanuel :-) . we exchanged pleasantries and i was telling them how different the seaside in kerala was..:-) big advantage for me to be able to speak to them in french:-) the french stick to their native language as much as possible.. disadvantage..they speak too fast for i always need to tell them to slow down:-(

ok..where were we...we watch the pretty calm waves crashing on the rocks and spraying lovely foam everywhere..;-) and then we continued with our trek.. along the roads... finally we decided to take the road through Foret de Pierres Blanches ("Forest of White Stones") was the steepest hill i ever had to climb..we had stop about 3 or 4 times :-)...finally we reached the top..saw the board saying forest of white stones and began our descent.hehehe..
the view!!!! was stunning.. beach the oyster beds..etc. etc.

then we went on the sub sea explorer..the water was darn murky cuz the temperatures had reached so high.. that there was algae everywhere..and we din't get to see any of the oysters cuz they'd all pretty much died.. we saw lots of dead scallops..hehehe.

but the view was now from the middle of the mediterranean sea!!!! it was beautiful..spotless blue sky...lovely sun and cool breeze and a light sea spray =)

we came back it was a lovely time.. only thing the party that friday night was cancelled!!!! cuz the neighbors complained we made too much noise..

weekend was BORING!!!!!!! the others went to Marseilles.hehe..
anwayz...started work today but there were 29 interns in the restaurant so no morning shift for me..back to provencal at 645..and there's a long queue here ciao ciao..

love y'all
miss y'all


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